From PunchCMS
Field Methods
getRange ()
Get the possible values for list type fields.
getValue ([filter])
Get the value of the field using optional filters.
getHtmlValue ([filter])
Get the value of the field using the VALUE_HTML filter and other optional filters (see Field->getValue()).
getRawValue ()
Get the raw database value of the field.
getShortValue ([charLength], [preserveWord], [append], [html])
Get the shortened value of the field.
getSize ()
Get the size in pixels as array from an image field.
getHtmlSize ()
Get the size from an image field as HTML string like "width='WIDTH' height='HEIGHT'".
getLink ()
Get the link to the element inside a deep link field. Mostly used by menu structures.
getElement ()
Get the element inside an deep link field. Mostly used by menu structures.
getField ()
Get the real field object from the wrapper.