SpinCMS Core Class
SpinCMS Instansiation
PCMS_Client::singleton (dsn, account, basePath)
Instansiate the singleton class. This is done only once during the execution of a page.\\
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PCMS_Client::getInstance ()
Get the CMS object instance. This way you don't have to work with a global CMS object.\\
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SpinCMS Methods
get ([elementApiName], [recursive])
Get the first element or folder with an optional specific api name from the root folder.\\
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getElements ([elementApiName], [getFirst], [recursive])
Get a collection of elements and folders with an optional specific api name from the root folder.\\
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getFolders ([elementApiName], [getFirst])
Get a collection of folders with an optional specific api name from the root folder.\\
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getElementById (elementId)
Get an element or folder with a specific id from the CMS. If not found it will return NULL.\\
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getFieldById (elementFieldId)
Get a field with a specific id from the CMS.\\
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getElementByTemplate (templateApiName, [recursive], [random])
Get the first element with a specific template api name from the root folder.\\
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getElementsByTemplate (templateApiName, [getFirst], [recursive], [random])
Get a collection of elements with a specific template api name from the root folder.\\
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getElementByTemplateId (templateId, [recursive], [random])
Get the first element with a specific template id from the root folder.\\
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getElementsByTemplateId (templateId, [getFirst], [recursive], [random])
Get a collection of elements with a specific template id from the root folder.\\
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getElementsFromParent (elementId, [getFirst], [recursive])
Get a list of elements with a specific parent id.\\
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getAliasId ()
Get the element id converted from the curent URL alias.\\
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find (query, filters, [exact], [arrAllowedTypes])
Search through the CMS using a query and optional filters.\\
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getLanguages ()
Get a collection of all active languages.\\
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getLanguage ()
Get the currently active language.\\
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getBasePath ()
Get the base path to the website.\\
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setBasePath (value)
Set the base path of the website. This overrides the value from the singleton method.\\
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getFilePath ()
Get the base path to files uploaded by the CMS.\\
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getDownloadPath ()
Get the base path to files uploaded by the CMS relative to the website path.\\
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getFromCache (method, elementId, [arguments])
Get the output of a method from the cache. If output doesn't exist is will call the method, cache and return the output.\\
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getSetting (value)
Get the value of a setting in the CMS.\\
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useAliases (value)
Set wether aliases should be used or not. Using aliases has a slight performance impact.\\
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setDbConnection ([reInit])
This method forces a reset on the internal database connection object.\\
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